This virtual machine contains the ReactiveML distribution and the examples accompanying our paper "Reactivity of Cooperative Systems: Application to ReactiveML" (submission number 3). The user and password for this machine are: login: sas14 password: sas14 To try the examples, in a terminal you can go into the sas14-examples directory: $ cd ~/sas14-examples Compile the examples: $ make Then, display the type of each expression using emacs. For example, you can open the file first_program.rml: $ emacs first_program.rml & Put the cursor on the "clock" identifier (line 1, character 12). Press Ctrl-c Ctrl-t. The type of the process is displayed at the bottom of the window. You can also display the behavior of each expression. For example, you can put the cursor on the "loop" keyword (line 3, character 3). Press Ctrl-c Ctrl-s. To have more information on how to compile ReactiveML programs, you can visit the ReactiveML web site: When compiling a ReactiveML file, adding the options -dreactivity and -dtypes allows to display types and reactivity behaviors in emacs. You can also use the on-line version of the toplevel: Best Regards, Louis Mandel and Cédric Pasteur